&ldquoGoals. There's no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There's no telling what you can do when you believe in them. There's no telling what will happen when you act upon them.&rdquo 
Jim Rohn
Let&rsquos take the last sentence in the Jim Rohn quote above and look at what it means to &ldquotake action.&rdquo 
Sigmund Freud said, "Thought is action in rehearsal." So we have a thought, idea, or inspiration. We&rsquove weighed the possibilities, learned the necessary skills, and believe it can come to completion. We know logically that it is attainable. Rehearsal is over. It&rsquos time to take action.
Paul McCabe says, "You're a doer, because you're prepared to make the necessary effort to translate your dream into action." We&rsquore willing to take the necessary steps.
Action is needed to achieve the aim and accomplish the goal. If you want the dream to be realized and you want to succeed at anything, you have to &ldquogitter done.&rdquo 
Anthony Robbins says, &ldquoThe path to success is to take massive, determined action.&rdquo 
As you think about and imagine taking actions, choosing what needs to be done, and starting, notice the following: 
&bull Notice what you sense in your body as you imagine taking actions. 
&bull Notice what you feel emotionally as you imagine taking actions. 
&bull Notice where your thoughts go as you imagine taking actions. 
&bull Notice your spiritual connection as you imagine taking actions.
What stood out for you as you were envisioning yourself taking these actions? 
Deep breath. Spend the next few days writing about what arises as you see yourself taking these actions. Make a list of any steps as they occur to you. 
Take some actions!
Let me know how it goes. 
Please share your thoughts. Your comments make a difference for us all. 
For further information on accessing the wisdom, happiness, fulfillment, and peace you desire, click here to learn about Dr. Howard's Multiple Award Winning Book "Your Ultimate Life Plan: How to Deeply Transform Your Everyday Experience and Create Changes That Last.
photo credit Stock Images via FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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