RECEIVE A FREE MP3 of Dr. Jennifer’s latest teleconference "Tips on Goal Setting + Guided Meditation" and her FREE E-Zine “Changes that Last.”
How to Overcome the Fear of Aging
Success for a lifetime
Christina Nitschmann: 60 Minute Interview about Your Ultimate Life Plan
The Bob Charles Show: 60 Min. Interview about Your Ultimate Life Plan
"Here Comes the Spring, Here comes the Spring and I say, it's alright…"
Making a Difference with Our Unique Life's Purpose
Courage and Bravery
Manifesting Your Magnificence
Jen Louden and Satisfaction
I Love "I Heart My Biz!"
8 Ways To Boost Your Creativity
Creatively Speaking: Why Do We Get Stuck In The First Place?
The Essence of Human Beings and The Nobel Peace Prize
The Horrible, Ridiculous Denial of the Holocaust
Wonderings about 2012
How to Know If You Are Settling For A Mediocre Life
Healing Without Band AidsPersonal Development For Lasting Results