“Goals. There's no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There's no telling what you can do when you believe in them. There's no telling what will happen when you act upon them.”
- Jim Rohn
In Achieving Success - Part 1, we discussed the fact that how you choose to spend your time makes a real difference in achieving success. In Achieving Success - Part 2 we picked a goal and began imagining and envisioning it. In Achieving Success - Part 3 we picked a step toward that goal and looked at what might be keeping us from taking that step. In Achieving Success – Part 4 we examined what we tend to neglect and avoid in our lives or businesses. In Achieving Success - Part 5 we began looking at Jim Rohn’s quote above and looked at the concept of inspiration and what inspires us.
Let’s take the second sentence in the Jim Rohn quote above and look at the idea of “believing” together.
Believing is “to accept something as true, genuine, or real; to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something or someone.”
On the road to success it helps to set goals and believe they are attainable. We might easily believe that one particular goal is possible. Even though logically we know it can happen, limiting thoughts and beliefs about a goal can keep us from achieving what we set out to do.
Go back and look at your notes from Achieving Success - Part 2. As you practiced imagining and envisioning your goals:
• Were there any positive thoughts and beliefs that stood out for you?
• Were there any limiting thoughts and beliefs that stood out for you?
• Write both down now.
• Use the positive ones as affirmations for a few days.
Take the goals and write them on a piece of paper or type them on the left side of the page, with one goal and then skip a few lines and then the next.
Now read your goals out loud and write down the comments about any limiting thoughts and beliefs to the right of it. For example:
Goals Limiting thoughts and beliefs
Write a book I don’t know enough
I’m not good enough
Let the thoughts keep coming until you feel finished. Notice any patterns that start to appear. Also notice any stories, sensations, images, or feelings that arise with your limiting thoughts and beliefs. Be kind to yourself as you see what those limiting thoughts and beliefs from your old past programming are saying.
We will talk about taking action toward your goals in Achieving Success Part 7.
Let me know how it goes.
Please share your thoughts. Your comments make a difference for us all.

For further information on accessing the wisdom, happiness, fulfillment, and peace you desire, click here to learn about Dr. Howard's Multiple Award Winning Book "Your Ultimate Life Plan: How to Deeply Transform Your Everyday Experience and Create Changes That Last.
photo credit Stock Images via FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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