Happy Valentine's Day!
The week of February 3rd was the beginning of Sharon Salzberg's 28 day meditation program using her New York Times best selling book Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation, A 28 Day Program.
Sharon and many folks, including me, have joined on and are blogging along with the program. Find the conversation here: http://www.sharonsalzberg.com/realhappiness/blog I hope many of you will do this with us. I know that she would love to hear from you about your experiences and so would I.
I started to do a systematic body relaxation meditation today and my brain started yelling, “Don’t force me into a certain pattern, let me be.” So I followed what seemed to be a deeper calling to just allow whatever part of my body wanted me to notice it. Being an ex-dancer, I have plenty of uncomfortable body sensations to choose from. I have constant neck and back pain so I just breathed into what I noticed. I noticed that as whatever sensation got my attention, I relaxed into more spaciousness. The breath and noticing itself gave all of my body permission to be. My body felt heavier, yet more diffuse at the same time. There is room in the pain. There is room for me, my life and the pain.
I was thinking that it seems easier for me to “let it be” in a meditation than when I’m doing something, like cleaning my bathtub for instance, and it really hurts. Hmm, maybe I’ll clean the tub with more breath.
Any ideas for a cleaning meditation?
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