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Most Depressing Day of the Year
Posted: 1/12/2011 | Inspirational Comments
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According to a study by Dan Kruger, an Evolutionary Physiologist at the University of Michigan, the third Monday in January, January 17th this year, is the most depressing day of the year.

In his research, he found that at that point in time people tend to shift out of the cheer of the holidays. Reality is beginning to set in. The excitement of the New Year is not quite as high. This is when people start to break their New Years resolutions as well as the arrival of the unfortunate inevitability of paying off Christmas debt is at hand.

Along with these facts is all the cold gray weather, at least here in the Northern Hemisphere, creates this recipe for a sad dismal down-and-out day of the year.

I recommend that you be extremely kind to yourself. Try finding a great book to snuggle up with or taking a walk in the winter wonderland. Look over and affirm your goals for this year. Allow yourself to feel in your bones that this year can reveal wondrous mysteries, achievements beyond your wildest dreams and fulfillment of your heart’s longings. . 

Make these days heading up to January 17th a great day and take a few minutes out to contemplate, mediate and envision your best life. 

Cheers to our continuing great New Year. 


HealthInRecovery       Posted: 1/13/2011 11:05:07 AM

Interesting! Thanks for posting, and great tips. Bringing awareness is key so we can take action to prevent the effects. Cheers :)

joanne Bonafede       Posted: 1/13/2011 5:28:32 PM

Yes I agree, January is a very depressing month for me. Especially this year, because my father in law passed away. I am having such a hard time. It is actually so painful to live everyday, right now. I am staying in prayer and believing this too shall pass.

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