Today, I had the honor of interviewing the wonderful Judy Martin on the topic "Work Life Resilience 24/7" on my Wednesday Radio Show "A Conscious Life." If you missed the call, click here to register and access the recording.
Judy was kind enough to share with us this article on how you can boost serenity. Enjoy!
3 Ways To Consciously Boost Serenity In Your Work Life Merge
by: Judy Martin
Our invincible nature as human beings allows us to not only survive burnout in our 24/7 work life merge, but also to evolve and thrive. By cultivating resilience, we can spark our own unique restorative skills, navigate info-overload and foster innovation to consciously evolve in the workplace.
The idea of &ldquoserenity at work&rdquo would make most laugh. The mere concept is not exactly the topic of water cooler conversation or a goal that seems accessible. While company perks like a gym, healthier food, flexible working arrangements or employee assistance programs are a good start, essentially creating a better work life fit is up to us as individuals. One has to design their own program toward well being.
Cultivating serenity is not just about calming the mind. It&rsquos also about getting quiet enough to listen to what is important. A creative thought process can always emerge from chaos, I&rsquom not knocking it, but innovation can also be born of a deep awareness of who you are and your true purpose.
Here are some tips to bring some awareness to what seems a foreign concept, but might just save you from burning out:
&ldquoWe gain our freedom when we attain our truest nature.&rdquo &mdash Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali Poet and Nobel Laureate
a. Design your own program to cultivate resilience. Think about what brings you to a place of calm, and take time out of your day to slow the wheels of the mind and recharge. Whether it&rsquos meditating, playing tennis or reading, out of silence comes creativity and vitality. That break might be the catalyst for a great idea.
b. Take a break to meditate at work. Unable to control those around us, we can monitor only our own behavior and emotions. When we are peacefully working from a space of clarity, our intentions will better s and clients. Meditating helps in that journey.
c. Create your personal &ldquovolume vigilance&rdquo benchmarks. Most of us suffer from sensory overload. Assess all incoming information. What papers, websites, and TV shows do you check daily? Look into aggregating information. Set time limits on web surfing, phone calls, and monitor e-mail less frequently. This makes room for better retention and time for contemplation.
I&rsquod like to hear from you. Please share your ideas about the importance of cultivating resilience and serenity in the workplace and business.
Join me next week at 4 PM ET on "A Conscious Life" Radio Show while I interview Polly Young-Eisendrath Click here to register
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