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Personal Development, Spiritual Growth

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Personal Development, Spiritual Growth

  Topics:  Happiness Inspirational Motivational Personal Development Spiritual Growth Wellness

Personal Development
What Is The Ego and What Do I Do with It?
Depending on who you talk to, the ego is defined in different ways. One point of view says the ego is no good and another says the ego is part of our human experience. Is the ego necessary? What are we to think?   read more..

The Seed of War vs Embracing Our Differences
Have you ever considered what the seed of war is...   read more..

Deep Questioning
How do you feel when you don't know the answer to a question? You might be thinking, well that depends on the question. Yet, many people feel anxious when they don't have answers. As children some of us were told that it's not ok to question things, or that someone who acts like they "know" is the real authority so asking questions might imply that you are less than others. I like to look at questions and questioning in a different way, in a deeper way.   read more..

How To Say "No" Effectively - Part 2
We were talking about the importance of learning to say “No” effectively in part one. But now how do you go about it? Help with healthy boundaries.    read more..

8 Ways To Boost Your Creativity
No matter how much we enjoy what we are doing in our life and in our business, there are times when we all find ourselves in need of a creativity jump-start. As many of you know, I'm working on a book to be released this Fall. I greatly enjoy the topic and the writing process, however there are days that I find myself, simply put, feeling stuck.    read more..

How to Say "No" Effectively - Part 1
Ever found yourself really wanting to say “No” but saying “Yes” instead? For some of us saying "No" can be difficult. However, learning how to effectively say "No" in an assertive manner rather than not at all or in an aggressive style is an important skill that is freeing and empowering. Learn how to draw clear boundaries.    read more..

How to Value Change
For the last several months there has been much talk about change. This has been generated by both candidates in the past election. We live in such contentious times and people are fearful about the uncertainty of what change may mean. Out of these many fears, many end up being scared of people who aren’t like them...   read more..

It’s hard to imagine anything that affects us and influences us more than relationships. Life is all about relationships, whether it is with things, people, ourselves or with the universe. Every day we negotiate the world from these relationships. Relationships vary in their nature, from those with our loved ones—spouse/lover, families, friends, pets—to our homes, our cars, our careers, and, most importantly, to ourselves.   read more..

What Is Personal Development?
Personal development is all about change, an over arching term that includes many different approaches to self-improvement. Personal development in its largest context could encompass anything that involves personal growth on all levels, meaning physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.   read more..

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